Old gay men making out

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Based in this model, the network type construct has proven useful for characterizing the nature of older adults’ social worlds ( Litwin & Shiovitz-Ezra, 2011). The structural (size, composition, proximity, frequency of contact), functional (instrumental, emotional, and affirmational support), and qualitative features of convoys ideally form a protective base, affecting health and well-being ( Fiori, Smith, & Antonucci, 2007). Aging, Convoys, Older gay men, Social network typesĮmbedded within a life course perspective, the convoy model maintains that individuals’ “convoys,” or the collection of supportive relationships that move with individuals through time, space, and life course, are shaped by personal and situational characteristics, member gains and losses, biographies, and social-historical context ( Antonucci, 2001 Kahn & Antonucci, 1980).

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